Current Level | Points | Last Accomplishment |
Novice Aquatic Horticulturalist | 83 | 12-01-2013 |
Most Small Surface & Near Surface Type Plants
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 142501320002-27-2015 | Spirodela polyrhiza | 5 |
2 | 143002080004-26-2015 | Wolffia borealis | 5 |
Most Large Surface & Free Floating Type Plants
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 135969480002-01-2013 | Utricularia gibba | 5 |
2 | 142268040001-31-2015 | Ceratophyllum demersum | 5 |
3 | 142742880003-27-2015 | Pistia stratiotes | 10 |
All Sagittaria & Vallisernia Type Plants
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 135969480002-01-2013 | Sagittaria subulata | 10 |
2 | 142268040001-31-2015 | Vallisneria gigantea | 5 |
All Anubias, Aponogeton & Cryptocoryne Type Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
All Sword and Crinum Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
Water Lily Type Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
Stem Plants
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 142268040001-31-2015 | Limnophila aromatica | 10 |
2 | 142268040001-31-2015 | Bacopa caroliniana | 10 |
Most Bog Type Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
All Marine Plants (3 Green, 1 Red, 1 Brown, 2 vascular)
No Achievements Recorded |
Creeping Shoot Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
Aquatic Ferns and Mosses
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 142268040001-31-2015 | Lomariopsis cf. lineata | 10 |
Native Plants
No Achievements Recorded |
Date | Name | Points | |
1 | 138587400012-01-2013 | Aponogeton ulvaceus | 8 |
No Achievements Recorded |
No Achievements Recorded |